Privacy Policy

Phoenix Family Law is a firm committed to respecting and protecting your business and personal privacy.

This on-line Privacy Statement is provided to make you aware of how Phoenix Family Law collects, uses and manages personal information of visitors to its web site and general data collection by Phoenix Family Law. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please contact us.

What information do we collect and how is it used?

Internet information – Phoenix Family Law collects information regarding visitors to our site including domain name and information regarding what pages are accessed. The collection of this information is for statistical purposes only. No attempt is made to identify users or their browsing activities.

Information volunteered by you, such as requests for information, your contact details, e-mail address etc are retained by Phoenix Family Law to assist with providing you support and marketing.

General information – Information is collected and retained whenever a person/business contacts Phoenix Family Law with respect to business type activities. This information is used for support and marketing activities. Collection and retention of information for other purposes such as opening an account with Phoenix Family Law will only occur once written permission has been granted by the person or organisation applying.

How does Phoenix Family Law secure my Information?

Once the information has been received by Phoenix Family Law, Phoenix Family Law takes measures to protect information from loss, unauthorised access, destruction, misuse, modification or disclosure.

Will Phoenix Family Law disclose my information to another party?

Information retained by Phoenix Family Law is not provided to any other organisation unless the organisation has been engaged by Phoenix Family Law to carry out business services on behalf of Phoenix Family Law or to fulfill its legal obligations to statutory organisations under local laws of Australia (State and Commonwealth).

Are my E-mails protected?

E-mails sent to Phoenix Family Law via our web site, or directly, are not encrypted or protected from unauthorised access. While the e-mail is being sent onto Phoenix Family Law there is a risk of interception. Once the information has been received by Phoenix Family Law, Web Marketing Angels provides security for this information as outlined above.

Can this Privacy Statement change?

Phoenix Family Law reserves the right to update this policy from time to time. How do I contact you about this Privacy Statement? If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Statement or the practices of the Phoenix Family Law web site/social media, please email us at