Adelaide Family Law Kids Care Arrangements

When it comes to kids’ care arrangements, the law is pretty clear: the kids have the rights, parents have the responsibilities.

Specifically, and it may go without saying, kids have a right to a meaningful relationship with each parent as well as relationships with other significant people in their lives – grandparents, siblings, step-parents, cousins, aunts, uncles…  Importantly, kids also have a right to be safe from harm, and this should be prioritised.

Many parents seek advice about how to best navigate post-separation parenting arrangements, concerned that separation itself is going to be harmful or worried about how the kids may still have relationships with extended family members. Separation itself does not need to be harmful for children. Safety concerns, however, such as substance abuse issues or untreated mental health problems, and practical considerations, such as work commitments or communication barriers, often play a big role in the decisions that need to be made about how children will be cared for moving forward. Decisions need to focus on what is in the best interests of the kids, especially regarding long term issues such as their living arrangements, health, and education.

It is important to understand that kids care arrangements may also be of concern to other relevant adults such as grandparents, aunts and uncles or step-parents. If you are a grandparent, stepparent or other adult concerned with the welfare of children, you may also want advice about legal issues impacting the welfare of the children.

Sometimes the adults involved can reach agreement about kids’ care arrangements on their own or through mediation. Sometimes they need a little more assistance. Phoenix Family Law will always encourage clients to put children first when it comes to making these decisions and will always encourage clients to take genuine steps to resolve matters before applying to the Court to intervene, including attending at mediation if a trained mediator considers it safe and appropriate to do so.

We invite you to make an appointment to discuss how we can help you to resolve your parenting concerns.

Whether that is assisting at Family Dispute Resolution (mediation), negotiating and drafting Parenting Plans or Consent Orders or advising on and representing through the Court process, Phoenix Family Law will help you to achieve sensible and child-focused care arrangements.